Name: Spank the Monkey | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: Look at the grin on his face. Spank the monkey, and see what speeds you can get on inpact. I have heard its possible to get 450+! A really ridiculous game, but I cant stop playing it! |

Name: Space Worms | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: Dodge the incomming space worms until your score reaches 1,000. As the levels increase so does the amounts of spaceworms, meaning its harder to stay alive! Got to be brilliant at dodging in this game! |

Name: Shuffle | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: Use your marbles to aim at the oppositions marbles. You want to knock all their marbles off before they hit yours off. Try to get 2 or more off in one shot, as this helps as you progress in the game. Each win makes you loose a ball but you advance forward a line. |

Name: Short Bus Rampage | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: The picture sums it up really. Your the driver of the Special Ed class, and basically go on a rampage killing as many people as you can. Remember to park your bus at the end, because otherwise the Cops will show up and then the fun stops :( |

Name: Race Game | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: No accelerator needed in this game. All you need to do is keep your buggy on the track, preferably in first place so you win! Cutting along the grass doesnt work, cos it slows you down... |

Name: Penguin Poke | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: Not alot can be said for this game, only poke the penguin... you know you want to! if you poke him enough, he will become irritated and take his anger out on you! Hilarious to watch! |

Name: Particle | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: This game is so simple yet so much fun at the same time. Not only is it challenging, but has good music which always helps. Sometimes I find myself determined to beat my previous score just ot hear the next bit of the song! |

Name: Orbit | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: Keep your comet clear of the other ones until the timer is up. The larger the comet the more attaction it has on you, so the more likely you are to collide with them. Use the locations of other comets around you to help you survive. |

Name: No Comment | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: There is nothing to report on the news, meaning news reporters are desperate and are resorting to interviewing anyone and everyone in an attempt to find a story. Protect your dignity with pies, the natural enemy of the newscaster! |

Name: Nex Game | Play (This Window) | Play (New Window) |
Description: Get the timing right so the guy in the suit breaks though all the ice blocks. Very tricky, as if you are slightly out, you will soon see what happens... But if you do break one, its great to watch his little actions. You will see what I mean... |