Remember that old game of PONG, ever wondered what more balls would have done?

Kitten Cannon

Kitten Cannon
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  Use your kitten cannon to shoot your cat as far as possible! Use the objects aroud to to increase distance, such as explosives sends your cat further and higher but metal spikes and venus fly traps stop your kitty... Use your kitten cannon wisely!
Weekly Hits: 3355 Total Hits: 36575
Size: 129 KB
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11 is lowest lol, 1126 high
caroline spencer
30000 ft nice
hi!!!! dis game is so beautiful....
get high
i own u all with my 9251 ft.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kitty cannon iz cool but not amded 4 lil kidz
tel mod
im the game
jamie b
i wouild chop that cat
1304 nice!
Im game god
4862 feet
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