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McDonalds Simulator

McDonalds Simulator
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  I have learned that making money in a big corporation is not simple at all. You are in charge of the companies agriculture, feedlot, actual fast food counters, and the headquaters. A tip is to always keep an eye on your profits as they change rapidly, when you change strategy.
Weekly Hits: 21939 Total Hits: 54016
Size: 2210 KB
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tom parson
hello chaps this is my ninth hour on this game and i think it is brill, well ace and i really enjoyed playing it. thanks fellas.
It is the worst game ever
Been Playing this For 2 Hours, Does It ever end ?
its rubbish
i hate dis game sooooo much its de worst game eva
how do you make money???
can u beat it?
I can't do it I keep on goin bankrupt
I only got to 2063 before going mad!
I made it to 2040
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