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Asteroids Revenge

Asteroids Revenge
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Tired of being hunted by Man an asteroid decided to fight back and try to destroy the ships. Only man will put of a fight. Fight off the enemy each level to give your asteroids more time to come to your aid. After each level you will be given the option of upgrading your Armour, Receiving an extra Ally, Increase in size, moving faster or having your allies be able to spin faster.
Weekly Hits: 2083 Total Hits: 3634
Size: 2002 KB
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No ships are showing Mr SpudMud.
After adding, I realize sometimes the levels do not show any space ships? Does anyone have the same problem, or is it just this computer? If so I will remove and find a better game :)
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