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Epic Combo

Epic Combo
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Smash turtles with your mighty hammer and bounce their shells will bounce around the room to create combos. Money is earned from each attempt to buy things at the store that will help increase your combo size for example, saw blades, bouncy platforms, and proxy mines (all have limited locations). Win the game in Original Mode by performing a combo of 10,000 or play in Unlimited Mode and see how high the combo can go!
Weekly Hits: 3234 Total Hits: 11769
Size: 882 KB
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Little Jo
Love this game, always makes me laugh to see all those little turtle shells bounce around everywere :)
and why are we hiting turtles with a hammer to get money somehow?
THIS GAME IS PERFECTION ! HAHAHA ! GOT 10,000 combo in just 3 minutes...cool ~
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