LOTS of skill is required to play Draw play 3. Think you got what it takes?!

BoomBot 1

BoomBot 1
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  Help the Boombot escape all 50 levels. Click and hold mouse to make a bomb, release to make an explosion. TNT will explode if near the set of bomb. Sense-Gel will explode near any sudden movement or an Impact. Oil Barrels catch fire, and then will go bang. Remember all these effects can be used to your advantage, so think it though. There are a few more in the game, but I will let you discover them for yourselves. :)
Weekly Hits: 3880 Total Hits: 13205
Size: 618 KB
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