Ever played the game Descent? Great music and a great game

Big Battle Tanks

Big Battle Tanks
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Lets be honest. If you have played TANKS on SpudMud, then you have played this game. I wont bore you with the same rambles again, so in this ones you can play up to 5 other humans on one computer or battle the computers own tanks. Upgrade your tanks with better weapons, or repair kits and teleports or even shields if you get enough cash. The game is never ending so play for top place. Oooh on this one there is a CAMPAIGN…
Weekly Hits: 2734 Total Hits: 10142
Size: 1829 KB
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Clicking on the Play Game in New Window will mean you can see all the game. Sorry, I added the game quickly without checking. Hope you like it :)
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