Just use your mouse in this game, if your in one of those lazy moods :)

Back 2 Back

Back 2 Back
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Back2Back is an arcade strategy game; the game mixes action based tactics, with classic defense gameplay. Each level you can deploy a certain number of space marines, the more enemies you kill the better upgrades you can get. Many ways to win, you could go with just fully upgraded snipers, or go guns blazing with Assault Rifles and Rockets.
Weekly Hits: 2177 Total Hits: 7240
Size: 11353 KB
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You can MOVE the soldiers you place on the battlefield. Click on the solider you want to move and then click on an empty square. Depending on the level it means you can have 3 or up to 5 soldiers all facing the same way-useful when you want more fire power.
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