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Bunny Charm

Bunny Charm
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   The game takes place in an imaginary desktop and you come to life as a bunny that looks only for one thing: to Defend himself and survive the onslaught of enemy attacks. As the game progresses, more enemies will rise to attack you. To defend yourself you will be able to unlock weapons and upgrade them through Damage, Running Speed and Range, allowing different strategies possible so each player an find his own way. You are also able to buy and plant traps around the levels, which may obstruct, damage, poison or even explode your enemies! Let the enemies come! Destroy them! :D
Weekly Hits: 2672 Total Hits: 15180
Size: 2249 KB
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