Remember that old game of PONG, ever wondered what more balls would have done?

Rural Racer

Rural Racer
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  There are 8 laps. You have to finish each track as a winner to advance to the next level. Use TURBO to make you go faster. Watch the TURBO ENERGY, as you always want to keep some just in case. If you ever run out of energy, you have to wait until it refills. After that you can use it again. Have fun.
Weekly Hits: 2786 Total Hits: 11676
Size: 425 KB
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want to go home now !!
one of the only games i am good at ! :p
im happy
too see this game
Stephen H.
Go Tremont Turks!! I love this game!!
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