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Learn to Fly

Learn to Fly
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Game Information
Description:   Mix up the games Hedgehog Launch and Shopping Cart Hero and you have got an awesome game in the making. The story is the penguin saw on Wikipedia they cant fly so sets out to prove them wrong. Use the points you get each flight to improve your Ramp Height, Acceleration, Air Resistance. Later on when you have enough research funds you can buy Gliders and Rockets. Win the game by flying a full 6,000ft far!
Weekly Hits: 3539 Total Hits: 41489
Size: 1087 KB
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mad man
this game is so easy
I can get every acheivement except the 6k
i beat it in 30 days
face ..... What?
lol i just got 8104 so harrd tho so cmon who can beat meh , (also for the 6000 question . come of the ramp us around 25% of fuel at a 60 75 % angle upwards use that to keep u in the air and when u need a boost SHMOW u still have fuel ) obv\'s u need full upgrades ... .... once again who can beat me ..
how do you reach 6000 feet lol
U just get best rocket fuel and glider and rocket. As soon as you come of the ramp use 75% of the fuel to get really high then swoop down
easy i reached 7139 feet
how the f do you reach 6000 feet!
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