Winterbells: Whats the highest score you can get?

Tactical Assassin Substratum

Tactical Assassin Substratum
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Shoot your way through 9 missions in the 3rd Tactical Assassin game. Instructions are told during the mission briefing of each level so concentrate, its handy! Go for the highest score by collecting all the easter eggs and completing every mission as fast as possible with no mistakes. New concept of the Backstab levels where you have to swipe within a certain boundary otherwise you die :(
Weekly Hits: 3393 Total Hits: 33603
Size: 1217 KB
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Completely stuck on the whereabouts of the easter eggs
this game is like a packet of ready salted crisps it\'s pretty plain tbh but it is a very good game as a conclusion
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