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Game Information
Description:  Pyro is a puzzle skill game where you click and drag the limited fireballs to set the power and angles of the shots. Hit the required number of torches, and progress to the next level. Press S to suicide if the ball is not going to hit any more torches. The level will continue until all crates have finished burning in case they might light a torch. Pressing S will end the level immediately.
Weekly Hits: 2559 Total Hits: 10118
Size: 1384 KB
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pyro is so cool
From what I understand, you hvae to get a certain number of aces to unlock each secret level
Fun game, though how do you unlock all the secret levels? Iv got a,b and c, and is it just be \'acing\' levels? From the spaces left, i presume there are 8 secret levels, a-h?
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