A collection of every STRATEGY game on SpudMud. Dice Wars is my favourite


Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Promnesia is another word for Deja vu, the feeling of having seen or done something before. This is what the game is about, every 3 seconds a copy of yourself appears on the screen and starts mimicking your past reactions. Avoid hitting past generations of yourself. You earn points by moving more wildly across the screen, each copy earns you points too. Scoring a lot of points early on is a good idea as every time a new iteration starts you will get these points again.
Weekly Hits: 2200 Total Hits: 6165
Size: 4617 KB
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you have too much time on your hands fred - and I\'m not just saying that cos I got just over 1,000,000 and couldn\'t be bothered cos my hand hurts, lol
1,200,000 ish
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