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Endless Zombie Rampage 2

Endless Zombie Rampage 2
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   You will be offered several tasks. Kill Zombies, Find Supplies, and Find Survivors. Killing zombies the requires you to leave your base and kill a designated number of zombies before the mission is said to be complete. You receive Exp. as a reward which once you have enough, can be used to buy better Guns and Health Packs and Perks for your soldier and Weapons. Rescuing Survivors raises Exp. quicker though the zombies dont make it easy. Great concept!
Weekly Hits: 3007 Total Hits: 17030
Size: 9344 KB
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Epic game! fans of zombieland and dawn of the dead must play!
very fun loved the game. better than the first
Calvin Rees-Naylor
Oh yeah over 400000 exp and over 9000 kills
this game is totally awesome it is the best game ever i completed it like 500 times lol such a brillant game hope you have a good time on it lolz
FHS peter
This is the best game ever i rely enjoyed it and i love it
Though the end is a bit of a let down...
Sooooo good :D
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