
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Description: Microlife is a fun little sims style game, but much simpler and not so micro-management oriented. Run your own little bacteria farm, and help your good bacteria grow into adults. The creatures will need food to grow, and when they do, they will lay eggs. These can be clicked on to earn money or can be left alone to hatch. Your young ones are vulnerable to attackers so you must develop strong micro organisms to defend them. |
Weekly Hits: 2641 | Total Hits: 6499 | |
Size: 564 KB | ||

Micros required to build the Ship but they will only build when there are NO Catchers around. So keep the catchers at bay. Took me a while to figure that one out :P Good luck.
I didnt write down all the Passwords: As to be fair, the levels are fairly easy except for the last level where you are trying to use the babies to build a spaceship(to free your people), although every 30 seconds a Bad guy appears scaring your workers(pink ones) away or they grow up....or they get sick...
Well the last levels password is : unlimited
Really tough :/ Yet to complete!
Level 4
Password: Orange