Jump from platform to platform and try to go as far as you can without falling! Hard.

VK 1939

VK 1939
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   A WWII themed RTS Defence game. Go into the Barracks and use your experience points to upgrade your units. Or use the points to buy new Tanks and Planes in the Factory. There is also a Special Skills option where you can invest in Cash Aids or reduce production limitations. Complete the Primary Objectives in-game.
Weekly Hits: 2746 Total Hits: 7417
Size: 4915 KB
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Cant get passed Level 8!!! I upgraded just Rockets and Bombers...then got loads of Airships comming my way. Fun game 5/5
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