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Sprint Race 3D

Sprint Race 3D
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   SprintRace3D is a cool 3D Racing game, thats right I found some more racing games which loads of you wanted more of. The aim is to beat your opponent and avoid traffic at the same time, while winding down a narrow street with lots of bends. Tailgate a car for a bit until you find a gap in the oncoming traffic to overtake in. If timed right the opponent (should be behind you) will crash into the oncoming car :P Only got to level 6 :(
Weekly Hits: 2408 Total Hits: 8803
Size: 554 KB
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Noooo! :( I got to 8 only. Well lets have a go now!
level 10!!!!!!!!!
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