Simple. Pull back your bow, and shoot your friend before they can kill you!

BowMan Battlefield

BowMan Battlefield
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Game Information
Description:  Move with the WASD keys and get your men past the enemy line to win.
Weekly Hits: 12448 Total Hits: 70307
Size: 241 KB
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I am now awaiting for a \"Bowman Battlefield 2\" !!!! :D
Lvl 25 now and bored of owning them as i have bought everything.... but cool game until now as it needs more things to buy and more soldiers on each side but overall ...... :)
lvl 40 is actually end of game they just make it imposible to win. i lasted for half hour on lvl40
school kid
i had a cool game lost every thing in the 1st round 200 gold fantastic
school kid
verry easy does not get boring
round 60...took almost 10 hrs lol soooooo bored!
Yeah like tyler said this game takes forever to get each lvl because you dont have enough men. They all ditch you to leave you die.after the first 20 lvls though it's really easy to win with all the upgrades.
got to level 48......after like 5 hours its so easy but your soldiers come out like every 10 min. after level 40.
it sucks
yea, after like 3 hours i got to 39 and i lost... now i sleep
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