Have you got fast fingers? Use them to get into the 100m sprint in the Olympics

I Dont Even Know

I Dont Even Know
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Game Information
Description:   Before you guys say anything, this game is wacko, I cant really tell you much about it. Erm, I guess you have to solve each level (in my case clicking frantically everywhere) then the game says something random then moves on. It’s a good laugh, though I will recommend that you all comment as some levels are easy to get stuck on :(
Weekly Hits: 2839 Total Hits: 13533
Size: 571 KB
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haha i love games like that =] i completed it =] 1. mitch, if you got 1 min 59 seconds you would be on board and you ntot. Ownedd! same for carly motomooooo who apperantly schooled us all. ahem. yeh ryt. so good game 5/5!
how do ya fix the rocket?
hw u do the aiport security??
loren you got to be joking
I finished and ranked 12th on the ladder
wats the 1st thing about cookies???
Jay rulez! :)
lol, well good game, how dya do it at end? i right clicked and got to da bit dat says go to such and such studios. wot dya do then? help me plz, i did it well fast!
Carly Motomoooo
So i schooled all of you i got 56 seconds!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah! in ur face
If I remember correctly you Click on his Earring. And he goes :( and you move on. I think thats near the end too! Should work...*fingers crossed*
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