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Tactical Assassin 2

Tactical Assassin 2
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
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Game Information
Description:   You once again an assassin in this stick shooter with a total of 9 intense missions. Get paid for the assassinations you commit and receive payment, using this money buy better snipers optics and attachments in the shop. Make sure to read the briefings to find out how to complete your mission! A massive improvement on the already brilliant game, a must try!
Weekly Hits: 3621 Total Hits: 39794
Size: 5470 KB
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stupid level nine
level 9 wont work have played game b4 and that worked so y wont it work ... grr
my gun wont shoot on lv 9
responce to questions
for lvl 6 you must be patient, you have to let the guy go of the plane once he is off the plane steps be quick and kill his bodyguard then turn quick to the other guy and shoot him and lvl is dun for the lvl 7 you must shoot the television anten first so that the tv falls out, the man will stand up and then aim right in the head shoot and your win the mission for mission 9, i shoot the tree the bottles and nothing happens?
for the lvl 7 you must shoot the television anten first so that the tv falls out, the man will stand up and then aim right in the head shoot and your win the mission
how do u beat level 6?
jam head
why is this game not in colour
response to dan
u have to shoot his satellite on the roof then he will walk out of his room then go on the roof then u eliminate him when he is on the roof
level 7 i cant seem to hit him am i ment to just shoot him or do i have to do sumthing first?
Response to ADAM C
On level 9 if I remember you have to distract all the men shooting objects on the level. I think one is a tree and another a bottle all in order so your partner can place the bomb on the car. Hope this helps :)
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