A collection of every STRATEGY game on SpudMud. Dice Wars is my favourite

Portal: Flash Version

Portal: Flash Version
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  The Flash Version includes over 40 challenging levels, each needing a lot of thinking. Features almost every part the real game only it is in 2D - energy balls, cubes, turrets and even the famous crusher from the trailer. Even though at times it seems impossible stick at it and you will get it in the end.
Weekly Hits: 4303 Total Hits: 16181
Size: 7623 KB
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Same problem here :/
hey! if you are stuck then you can go to the options menu press concel on in game and then go back to game. press ~ and type in \"nextlevel\" and you will be taken to next level
CURSE YOU LEVEL 13!!!!! How do you get past the freaking little rays that'll turn you to ash!?!!
Anyone know how to get past level 9? (i know it's sad)
yeah i'm sorta confused on some levels, even on the easy ones i guess...
darn you level 21! fire!
Yeah the ball doesn't work for me either
This is the next best game on spudmud! I wish there would be a 3d version made to emulate Portal.
THere is the energy ball bud on level 21 and it will not shoot the ball down into the portal i placed. It did it once somehow but that was it.
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