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Ski Simulator

Ski Simulator
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  A really nice 3D game, which almost makes you feel as if you are a downhill skier. Try to get as many checkpoints as you can but also do it as fast as you can. At the moment is doesn't sound to difficult; until you have to dodge the 100's of trees on the way down!
Weekly Hits: 2875 Total Hits: 7902
Size: 18 KB
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Daniel K
I got all 30 in 23 seconds
24 All Checkpoints
YEAH! Now that moving the mouse upwards makes you go faster, I can get down in 0:22! (Thats not trying to get the checkpoints)
I got 28 in 1:36. Ahhh..the higher you have the mouse the faster you go! That might explain how Frederic managed it in 0:26!!
Lets be truthful :) I got all 30 checkpoints. In 0:26. Anyone got better?
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