Jump from platform to platform and try to go as far as you can without falling! Hard.

Ant Buster

Ant Buster
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  Protect your cake from the invading ants. Unlike most other Tower Defense games the enemies in Ant Buster don't follow a fixed path but instead have their own AI. Be sure to keep upgrading your towers and click any ants carrying a slice of cake to make them a priority target!
Weekly Hits: 3469 Total Hits: 12911
Size: 550 KB
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Need help
Where should you place the guns and what kind of weapons should you use?
it gets boring after lvl 40
how do you get to leve 74?
i agree with Zack otherwise its okay
this game gets unreasonable after level 74
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