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Backyard Buzzing

Backyard Buzzing
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  Isn't there enough room on this planet for all insects? Not when there are 100 zillion of you! Build your ant colony by recruiting many different types of units and defences, and unleash your fury of your empire on your neighboring enemys.
Weekly Hits: 2387 Total Hits: 18607
Size: 616 KB
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w00t! i finally beat it! lvl 50!!11!!1! ok, 1 of every dome, but 2 bee, and lots of turrets. and,2 dozen bees,12 dragonflies,6 mosquito,and 1 of every crawler. at least 3 of each turret type. finally, beat it with $180,000!!eleven!!! it was easy after lvl14!started with 3 ant domes, continually get the limit. they are good, because they are so cheap after awhile, and in great numbers. then replace. just go in a blob, attack one at a time.
the best game ever! first, get a ton of ants, and pick on one target at a time. the strategey is destroy enemies fast and have few deaths, so the enemy cannot get more army bugs! and stick with it, and eventually get supports of other bugs.
this game is so boring who ever invented it needs to get a new life
go around to the big group of guys and shoot 1 then they will follow u lead them 2 ur turrents then they all die so easy
Truely the best game on spudmud! Its even better as it is the 100th game on the site! A game plan i used, was to build a \"blob\" of units and go around in a big group, picking on one target at a time. Worked for me.
SpudMud Team
Sorry, we seem to be experiencing some difficulties with adding games, hopefully this will be sorted out soon. Feel free to try our collection of entertaining games! :D
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