BMX Tricks

Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Description: Simple yet great game, where you do tricks on your BMX, to get the highest score possible. Doing grinds and backflips in combos helps to boost your score faster. Try not to fall over too much...seeing as you need all the time you can get to get the best score. |
Weekly Hits: 4188 | Total Hits: 74958 | |
Size: 195 KB | ||

St Josephs
Our whole school uses this site
theres a cheat!!!!!!!!
well its not much of a cheat, but u can keep hold of F to ride
wow this web site is so cool
Tip: learn the tricks...2nd game I scored 29820.
big daddy
It's good but not great. Scored 11490!!
anna shaw
its cool but it should be bettter
revin it up
hmm its ok
josh Brown
kinda boringg.. :[
game is stupid